Your search found 115 image(s) illustrating the term "axillary." For a written explanation, click on "axillary" in the Glossary.
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Rice Cutgrass,
Leersia oryzoides
Axillary panicles partly included in the sheaths, spikelets cleistogamous, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Fall Panicum,
Panicum dichotomiflorum var. dichotomiflorum
Panicles terminal and axillary, mostly included at base, per Manual of the Grasses of the United States (Hitchcock & Chase, 1950).
Threeway Sedge,
Dulichium arundinaceum var. arundinaceum
Short axillary clusters of spikelets (vs. Cyperus with terminal spikelets), per Wildflowers of the Eastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1999).
Common Carrionflower,
Smilax herbacea
Flowers in axillary umbels, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Midwestern Carrionflower,
Smilax lasioneura
Flowers in axillary umbels, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Biltmore Carrionflower,
Smilax biltmoreana
Flowers in axillary umbels, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Common Greenbrier,
Smilax rotundifolia
Flowers in axillary umbels, perianth greenish, campanulate, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Peperomia pellucida
Spikes can be axillary, terminal, or opposite leaves; solitary (rarely 2+), per Flora of North America.
Common Wax-myrtle,
Morella cerifera
Male flowers in sessile, axillary, dense cylindrical catkins, 6-10mm x 4-6mm, per Trees of the Southeastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1988).
Pin Oak,
Quercus palustris
Glossy dark green above, lighter green below with axillary tufts of tomentum, per Field Guide to Native Oak Species of Eastern North America (Stein, Binion, & Acciavatti, 2003).
Black Oak,
Quercus velutina
Scurfy pubescence and axillary tomentum below, raised veins on both surfaces, per Field Guide to Native Oak Species of Eastern North America (Stein, Binion, & Acciavatti, 2003).
Scarlet Oak,
Quercus coccinea
Lf base truncate, glossy light green above, tufts of axillary tomentum below, per Field Guide to Native Oak Species of Eastern North America (Stein, Binion, & Acciavatti, 2003).
White Mulberry,
Morus alba
Flowers in stalked, axillary, pendulous catkins, per Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Dirr, 1975+).
Japanese Hops,
Humulus scandens
Staminate inflorescences axillary and terminal, erect, cymose panicles, per Flora of North America.
Canada Wood-nettle,
Laportea canadensis
Flowers in terminal & axillary panicles: the upper female, lower male, per Guide to the Wildflowers of SC, 1st ed. (Porcher & Rayner, 2001).
Greenfruit Clearweed,
Pilea pumila
Staminate and pistillate flowers in mixed, axillary, 1-sided panicles, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Climbing Buckwheat,
Fallopia convolvulus
Flowers in axillary fascicles or racemes. Calyx green to white or pinkish, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Japanese Knotweed,
Reynoutria japonica var. japonica
Flowers in axillary, paniculate racemes. Calyx 1.5-2mm long in flower, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Giant Knotweed,
Reynoutria sachalinensis
Inflorescences axillary, mostly distal, erect or spreading, paniclelike, per Flora of North America.
Himalayan Knotweed,
Koenigia polystachya
Inflorescences paniclelike, mostly terminal and sometimes also axillary, per Flora of North America.
Antigonon leptopus
Tendrils terminal and axillary, per Flora of North America.
Tropical Amaranth,
Amaranthus polygonoides
The inflorescences are axillary, congested clusters, per Flora of North America.
Northern Leatherflower,
Clematis viorna
Inflorescences are axillary, 1-7 flowered, per The genus Clematis in Georgia (Ware, 2009).
Small-flowered Buttercup,
Ranunculus parviflorus
Single axillary flower from the base of the newest leaves, per
Fig Buttercup,
Ficaria verna ssp. ficariiformis
Axillary bulbils of ssp. ficariiformis ovoid or globular, per Ranunculus ficaria L. sensu lato (Sell 1994).
Fig Buttercup,
Ficaria verna ssp. verna
Small globular rounded-obtuse axillary bulbils reproduce ... vegetatively, per Ranunculus ficaria L. sensu lato (Sell 1994).
Leatherleaf Mahonia,
Mahonia bealei
Axillary racemes of bright yellow flowers, per Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of the Southeast (Foote & Jones, 1989).
Carolina Moonseed,
Nephroia carolina
Fruit a red drupe, borne in small axillary clusters, per Woody Plants of the Blue Ridge (Lance).
Menispermum canadense
Panicles axillary, to 15cm long, loose. Flowers 4mm wide, per Native Shrubs and Woody Vines of the Southeast (Foote & Jones, 1989).
Northern Spicebush,
Lindera benzoin
Yellow flowers in dense axillary umbels appear before the leaves, per Guide to the Wildflowers of SC, 1st ed. (Porcher & Rayner, 2001).
Aphanes australis
Leaves palmately dissected. Flowers in axillary clusters surounded by stipules, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Northern Wild Senna,
Senna hebecarpa
Flowers 3/4" wide and numerous in axillary racemes, per Wildflowers of the Southern Mountains (Smith, 1998).
Maryland Wild Senna,
Senna marilandica
Inflorescence a few-flowered axillary raceme or terminal paniculate cluster, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Sensitive Partridge-pea,
Chamaecrista nictitans var. nictitans
Flowers axillary, solitary or 2-3 borne in a tight raceme, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Baptisia perfoliata
Flowers solitary, axillary; corolla bright yellow, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Persian Clover,
Trifolium resupinatum
Heads terminal or axillary, not subtended by a pseudo-involucre, per Weakley's Flora (2012).
Yellow Sweetclover,
Melilotus officinalis
Inflorescence a slender, axillary, pedunculate, spike-like raceme, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Kummerowia striata
Flowers solitary or 2-5 in spikelike axillary racemes, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Carolina Indigo,
Indigofera caroliniana
Racemes pedunculate, axillary or terminal, w numerous loosely arranged flowers, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Spiked Hoary-pea,
Tephrosia spicata
Few-flowered racemes at the ends of long slender axillary or terminal stalks, per Wildflowers of the Southern Mountains (Smith, 1998).
Canada Milkvetch,
Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis
The somewhat reflexed flowers are in long-peduncled axillary racemes, per Wild Flowers of NC, 2nd edition (Justice, Bell, & Lindsey, 2005).
Erect Milkpea,
Galactia erecta
Leaves rise above the axillary inflorescence on a long petiole. — Will Stuart
Slender Threeseed Mercury,
Acalypha gracilens
Inflorescences axillary, bisexual (pistillate flowers proximal, staminate distal), per Flora of North America.
Common Threeseed Mercury,
Acalypha rhomboidea
Flowers in axillary inflorescences; in each, staminate above, pistillate below, per Weakley's Flora.
Pineland Threeseed Mercury,
Acalypha ostryifolia
Pistillate flowers chiefly in terminal spikes, staminate in axillary clusters, per Weakley's Flora.
Poison Sumac,
Toxicodendron vernix
Flowers and fruit axillary (vs. terminal in non-poisonous Rhus species), per Trees of the Southeastern United States (Duncan & Duncan, 1988).
Ilex cassine
Flowers in axillary clusters. Petals and sepals usually 4, sometimes 5, per Native Trees of the Southeast, An Identification Guide (Kirkman, Brown, & Leopold, 2007).
Carolina Holly,
Ilex ambigua
Flowers ~ 1/4" in diameter in axillary clusters; sepals w marginal hairs, per Native Trees of the Southeast, An Identification Guide (Kirkman, Brown, & Leopold, 2007).
Chinese Holly,
Ilex cornuta
Flowers in axillary clusters on branches of the previous year, per Weakley's Flora.
American Wahoo,
Euonymus atropurpureus
Flowers maroon or dark purple with transparent margins, in axillary cymes, per Native Trees of the Southeast, An Identification Guide (Kirkman, Brown, & Leopold, 2007).
Euonymus americanus
1-3 flowers on a solitary axillary peduncle about half the leaf length, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Running Strawberry-bush,
Euonymus obovatus
Flowers on axillary peduncles and similar to E. americanus, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Euonymus alatus
Axillary pairs of small flowers at the ends of a Y-shaped 1" stem, per A Field Guide for the Identification of Invasive Plants in Southern Forests (Miller, Chambliss, & Lowenstein, 2010).
Euonymus fortunei
Axillary clusters of inconspicuous flowers at the ends of Y-shaped stems, per Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests (Miller, 2003).
Euonymus alatus
Dangling axillary paired (or not) reddish capsules turn purple, split open, per Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests (Miller, 2003).
Eastern Red Maple,
Acer rubrum var. rubrum
Flowers appear before the leaves in dense axillary clusters, per The Native Maples of Georgia (Ware, 2003).
Muscadinia rotundifolia var. rotundifolia
Inconspicuous greenish-white flowers in axillary clusters, per Wildflowers & Plant Communities of the Southern Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont (Spira, 2011).
Arrowleaf Sida,
Sida rhombifolia var. rhombifolia
Flowers solitary, axillary, on long stalks, per Wildflowers of the Carolina Lowcountry (Porcher, 1995).
Sleepy Morning,
Waltheria indica
Inflorescence capitate [headlike], axillary. Petals yellowish, apex truncate, per Flora of China.
Yellow Passionflower,
Passiflora lutea
Greenish-yellow axillary flowers only 1" across, per Wildflowers of the Southern Mountains (Smith, 1998).