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Most habitat and range descriptions were obtained from Weakley's Flora.

Your search found 10 taxa.

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drawing of Gaylussacia brachycera, Box Huckleberry need picture of Gaylussacia brachycera, Box Huckleberry need picture Gaylussacia brachycera, Box Huckleberry need picture of Gaylussacia brachycera, Box Huckleberry need picture of Gaylussacia brachycera, Box Huckleberry
range map

speaker icon Common Name: Box Huckleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Gaylussacia brachycera   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia brachycera   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Dry, acidic ridgetops and upper slopes, locally forming large clones, in the Coastal Plain in dry sandy soils

Rare in NC

Native to North Carolina


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Southern Dwarf Huckleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Gaylussacia dumosa   FAMILY: Ericaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia dumosa   FAMILY: Ericaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Gaylussacia dumosa 145-18-002   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Longleaf pine sandhills, pine flatwoods, other xeric to mesic, acidic forests and woodlands

Common in Coastal Plain (rare in GA Mountains, uncommon elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

Common Name: Northern Dwarf Huckleberry, Bog Huckleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Gaylussacia bigeloviana   FAMILY: Ericaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia dumosa   FAMILY: Ericaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Gaylussacia dumosa 145-18-002?   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Peat dome pocosins (in NC and VA), sandhill seepage bogs (SC), Chamaecyparis bogs (DE), generally growing in peat, forms transitional to var. dumosa in wet pinelands and disturbed pocosins


Native to the Carolinas


range map

Common Name: Blue Ridge Bog Huckleberry, Blue Ridge Huckleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Gaylussacia orocola   FAMILY: Ericaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia dumosa   FAMILY: Ericaceae

INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Gaylussacia dumosa 145-18-002?   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Bogs, seepages over granite


Native to North Carolina


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Dangleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Gaylussacia frondosa   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia frondosa   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Gaylussacia frondosa var. frondosa 145-18-003a   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Mesic, acidic woodlands, especially in sandhill-pocosin and savanna-pocosin ecotones, also in xeric chestnut oak forests in the lower Piedmont

Common in Coastal Plain, uncommon in Piedmont

Native to the Carolinas


range map

Common Name: Dwarf Dangleberry, Confederate Huckleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/14/23) Gaylussacia nana   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia nana   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Xeric longleaf pine sandhills, pine flatwoods, pocosin ecotones, pine savannas

Common in GA, uncommon in SC, rare in NC

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

Common Name: Woolly Dangleberry, Hairy Dangleberry, Hairytwig Huckleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Gaylussacia tomentosa   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia tomentosa   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Gaylussacia frondosa var. tomentosa 145-18-003b   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Pine flatwoods, longleaf pine sandhills, xeric coastal fringe sandhills, pocosin ecotones, pine savannas

Common in GA, rare in SC

Native to South Carolina & Georgia


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Black Huckleberry, Crackleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Gaylussacia baccata   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia baccata   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Gaylussacia baccata 145-18-004   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Xeric, acidic forests and woodlands, rock outcrops, to 1600m elevation

Common in Mountains (uncommon to rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Bear Huckleberry, Buckberry, Mountain Huckleberry, Bearberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Gaylussacia ursina   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia ursina   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Gaylussacia ursina 145-18-005   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Mesic to xeric forests, frequently dominant; common

Common in Mountains (rare in Piedmont)

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


range map

camera icon Common Name: Mosier's Huckleberry, Hirsute Huckleberry

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Gaylussacia mosieri   FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Gaylussacia mosieri   FAMILY: Ericaceae


Habitat: Pine savannas and seepages

Uncommon in GA

Native to Georgia


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"Once you learn just one millionth of one percent about the natural world, you almost automatically become a conservationist, at least in your heart." — Frank Holleman